There are a variety of resources available to you if you are having problems with your World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King game. Remember, while Technical Support exists to assist with program failures, Game Support exists to help with in-game problems, character issues, and aspects of gameplay.
Game Masters: Our Game Masters (GMs) are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to assist with problems encountered in-game. Simply follow the instrucions below while in-game to begin your petition for help.
Game Strategy: A comprehensive collection of strategies, maps, and game information has been collected on our World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King community site, Here is where you can find archived and indexed information about the game world, characters, items and quests. If the item you are curious about has been written on, you can find that information here.
World of Warcraft Forums: The World of Wacraft community forums can be found on our website. Blizzard provides the World of Warcraft community forums for its customers to chat, exchange ideas, and submit feedback. Posting on the World of Warcraft community forums requires a World of Warcraft account. Only account holders are allowed to post on these forums, but anyone can read them. Please note that you must adhere to the Forum Guidelines if you wish to post on the forums.